I am fortunate enough to work with my brother-in-law and my sister. Even better, somehow, based on the exercise estimates we turned in, we all ended up on the same team for thi

s competition as well.
Daniel, Janesse and I have been talking since the competition began about how we
needed to have a family get together and play some sports. It is something we do often during the cooler months anyway, and is easily facilitated by having a large family and a good amount of room to run in my backyard.

Today, we finallyput it together and had about 12 of us
over at my house creating an opportunity to rack up some miles for the Insain Bolts. We had a great time for about two hours as we played flag football, Ultimate Frisbee (with a football) and wrapped up with a short game of kickball.
We had a good time and great exercise, especially the Ultimate Frisbee (football), you almost end up running non-stop the entire time, mileage wise, it might even be better to wear the pedometer.
I look forward to doing more in the

future, this competition creates that extra little nudge to get outside and do something to get some exercise and for us, it even creates us an opportunity to spend time with our family, engaging in fun activities and creating memories.
Go Bolts! After this week, we will be over 10% complete!