Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New team record!

With 507.758 miles, we are gaining on 1st, only 70 miles back. We can definitely catch the Cobra Kai with one or two good weeks. Keep up the good work.

This week, our team was propelled by PRs from Heather, John and Eric. Eric turned in the high miles for the week with 56.958 and is closing in on Grant in the total miles standings.

Great week team, let's keep it up!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Finally, 2nd place!

With the addition of the ex-Road Runners, we have now moved into 2nd place! Great job team! I would like to schedule a Lunch walk for tomorrow (thursday) with as many Bolt runners as possible. Spread the word.

A few notes; Heather, Janesse, Rebecca, Jeanne and Grant set new PRs in week 9 and John set a new PR in week 10. Great job, keep up the good work.

Let's catch the Cobra Kai!

I have updated the records to include Road Runner numbers and added a few new team stats to track.