Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mile Tracking Excel Doc

Kriston Rutherford sent this updated excel doc to me so I could share it with my team. Of course you can keep track of your miles however you want. However, this is kind of nice because it automatically converts your hours to miles and totals everything up.

Right click below link and 'save target as' to save this to your PC.

Ckick Here for File

Also, I noticed today, as some of you may have noticed, if you do not set the time on your pedometer, at midnight it will roll to the next 'day' and start tallying mileage under a new day. My plan is to just keep track of my mileage daily for a bit to be sure I do not lose anything. However, it looks like you could use this to track a 7 day period so it could work that you clear each day on Monday Morning and then run it for the week and tally up on Sunday Nights.

Go Bolts!

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